Physical Education Grade 9 – Quarter 4

Curriculum Guide

Active Recreation

  • Indoor
    • Individual and dual sports
    • Team sports
    • Dances
  • Ourdoor
    • Hiking
    • Camping
    • Orienteering
    • Biking

Lesson 1: Active Recreation


  • Content
    • Demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight management to promote community fitness
  • Performance
    • Maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical activity participation of the community
    • Practices healthy eating habits that support an active lifestyle


Lifestyle is a way of life. It is your style of living that reflects your attitudes and values. Today, most medical conditions are associated with one’s lifestyle such as diabetes and obesity.

You spend your day attending to your biological needs such as eating, sleeping and rest (Existence), attending to your classes in school (Subsistence) and the time for enjoyment and relaxation (Free Time).

Participation in active recreation influences your healthy lifestyle. It improves health condition in many ways. It also helps you to use the calories better and sustain a desirable weight.

Lifestyle change is the best way of preventing illness and early death. Major causes of early death have shifted from infectious diseases to chronic lifestyle-related conditions such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle:

  • Engage yourself in a regular physical activity
  • Eat healthy food.
  • Find time to manage stress
  • Follow a good personal healthy habits

The HELP Philosophy can guide you in starting a healthy lifestyle change:

  • Health
    • Those who believe in the benefits of healthy lifestyle are more likely to engage in healthy behaviour
  • Everyone
    • Healthy lifestyle can be practiced by everyone “health for all”
  • Lifetime
    • The longer healthy lifestyles are practiced, the greater the beneficial benefits
  • Personal
    • No two people are exactly the same. Your personal needs is the basis of your lifestyle change

Do you know your weight range? It is an estimate of how much you should weigh depending on your height and your body frame. One of the ways of knowing your weight range is through your Body Mass Index (BMI).

After determining your healthy weight range using your BMI, let us identify what affects your weight?

  • Genes –These are inherited traits from your parents. Children can inherit the chances of being overweight or obese if born from obese parents, approximately 80% chance. While non-obese parents can only have a 10% chance of bearing an obese or overweight child.
  • Environmental factors – aside from the genetic factors, being overweight or obese is also caused by some environmental factors. These include behaviour and lifestyle choices.

Indoor Recreational Activities


Badminton is believed to have originated from the game “poona” that was played by English Army officers stationed in India during the 17th century. It was later brought to England in 1870‟s when the Duke of Beaufort held a lawn party in his country place, Badminton. It was only in 1992 Barcelona Olympics when the game became an Olympic sport with singles and doubles events.

The game is played by either singles, doubles and mixed doubles. A game is won when a player/s reach a score of 21 points. In case of a deuce (20-all), one has to gain a two-point advantage over the other. But in case of a 29-all score, the first to reach 30 will win the set. A match is won by winning two out of three sets.


The beginning of volleyball can be traced from the ingenuity of William J. Morgan in 1895 at Holyoke Massachusetts. Initially, the game was called “mintonette” but in its first exhibition game demonstration, Alfred Halstead suggested the name “Volley Ball” due to the volleying characteristic of the game. In 1910, the game was brought to the Philippines by Elwood S Brown. The Filipinos are credited in the changes of the game with the addition of the skill called “spike” or “kill”. In 1964, volleyball had its first summer Olympics exposure as a medal sport.

Volleyball is a team sports with six players in each side of the court with a 9×18 meters dimension. The object of the game is to send the ball over the net and avoid it from grounding into your own court. A ball, net and a court are needed to play the game. Scoring follows a rally point system. A game is won in a two out of three sets. A set is won by reaching a score of 25. In case of a deuce, a team should have a two-point advantage over the other.Volleyball is a team sports with six players in each side of the court with a
9×18 meters dimension. The object of the game is to send the ball over the net and avoid it from grounding into your own court. A ball, net and a court are needed to play the game. Scoring follows a rally point system. A game is won in a two out of three sets. A set is won by reaching a score of 25. In case of a deuce, a team should have a two-point advantage over the other.

Benefit of Sports

Badminton and volleyball aregood recreation activities that involve the physical dimension.It enhances the metabolism of the body which in turn is a factor in losing weight.

Aside from the physical dimension, the games also has claims on affecting the different dimensions of health of a person. When players control their feelings during games, the emotional dimension is involved. Since a sport is fun, the emotional wellbeing is improved. Playing with strategies and tactics involves the intellectual dimension.Thinking of ways on where to direct the shuttle and the ball gives you an advantage of winning and enjoying the game. The social dimension is seen when players build good relationships. Trusting your teammate builds camaraderie and teamwork.


Dance is another indoor alternative recreation for those who enjoy the beat of rhythm and movement. It is a fantastic and fun form of exercise that gradually raises heart rate. That‟s why dance is a very good cardio work out.

Outdoor Recreational Activities


Hiking is going on an extended walk for the purpose of pleasure and exercise. Pleasure includes having close encounter with nature, enjoying the beauty of the environment, smelling the natural aroma of flowers and trees, and being one with Mother Nature. Exercise on the other hand pertains to the fitness benefits that we get from the activity.

Essential Tips for the Outdoors:

  • Pick a partner
    • Find a friend who is an experienced hiker or backpacker. It‟s safer to travel with a friend or group of friends.
  • Pick a destination
    • Do your research on your destination: read travel books, websites or magazines. Ask well-travelled friends too.
  • Know your time and distance
    • Know how long and how far the trip will take you. This will help you plan what you need to pack. This will also help you when making a budget for the trip.
  • Be physically ready
    • Make sure you are physically fit for the hike. You should have ample endurance to prepare yourself for long walks. Practice carrying heavy bags so that you will also build strength.
  • Choose your gear and your backpack
    • Try to pack as light as possible. Think about which comforts of home you can leave behind to save space and weight. Use a climbing checklist to help you decide what to bring.
    • When choosing a backpack, look at its carrying capacity and its size. It should be big enough to fit all your belongings and snug enough to stay close to your back. Pack your heaviest gear close to your back and near your shoulders.
  • Plan your meals
    • Bring some trail mix (nuts, chocolate, jelly, cereal, etc.) to keep your energy up throughout the day.
    • If going on overnight hikes, plan your meals accordingly. If traveling with a big group, divide the team into smaller groups and assign a meal per small group.
  • Keep communication lines open
    • Not all areas have signal for your mobile phones but keep them handy in case of an emergency.
    • Before you leave for your trip, make sure that you have a contact person who knows all your emergency details. Keep the contact person informed on your whereabouts at all times (if possible). Leave your itinerary with the contact person.

The Ten Essential Checklist for Backpackers(for safety, survival and basic comfort)

  • Navigation
    • Map
    • Compass
    • GPS
  • Sun protection
    • Sun screen
    • Sun glasses
  • Insulation
    • Rain jacket
  • Illumination
    • Head lamps or flashlight
    • Extra batteries
  • First – aid supplies
    •  First – aid kit
  • Fire
    • Matches or lighter
    • Waterproof container
    • Firestarter
  • Repair kit and tools
    • Knife or multi – tool
    • Kits for stove mattress; ducttape
  • Nutrition
    • Extra day supply of food
  • Hydration
    • Water bottles
    • Water filter or other treatment systems
  • Emergency shelter
    • Tent, tarp, or reflective blanket

Preparing for a hike

Before the hike

  • See to it that your body is in a certain level of fitness for a safe and pleasant climb. For you to enjoy the scenery more and enjoy the company of other backpackers, you must be Physically fit.
  • Attend to the following concerns:
    • Your travel plan (itinerary)
    • Possible transportation
    • Budget
    • Food and water to bring
    • What equipment to bring

During the hike

  •  On Group Formation
    • Follow a single file formation. Overtaking should be avoided, but in case of a need to do it, inform the hiker in front of you
    • Maintain a certain distance in between hikers.
  • Pacing
    • Start with a slow pace gradually change as the group desires
    • Do not leave anyone behind
    • Inform the group if there is a need to rest
    • The pace of the group should be that of the slowest member or the person who has the heaviest load.
  • Trail Signs
    • Man-made/alternative
      • Any colored materials such as yarn can be used but it is known by all members of the group
    • Natural trail signs
      • Materials found in the environment like rocks, grass and twigs


It is an outdoor navigational recreational activity using specially drawn and detailed maps. It requires navigational skills to navigate from point to point normally moving at a speed .An orienteering course consist of a series of control points which have to be located in order in the shortest possible time.

The fundamental skill in orienteering is orientating the map or setting the map. In
moving the map, you have to:

  • Find your approximate location on the map
  • Recognize the pattern of features on the ground as being the same as the pattern on the map
  • Always hold the map so that you are looking along the route with the map matching the ground.
  • The map is said to be oriented if the features on the map are in proper relation to the actual features in the field

Orienteering Map

The Map – is a picture or representation of the earth‟s surface. It includes a compass rose that shows directions. Cardinal directions are the four base parts on a compass. The top point is north and the point at the bottom is south. The side points are called east and west. The points in between the cardinal directions are called intermediate directions which include northwest, northeast, southwest and southeast.

Maps use a key or legend to explain the meaning of each of the symbols used in the map. The key usually shows a small picture of each of the symbols used on the map, along with a written description of the meaning of each symbol.Maps use a key or legend to explain the meaning of each of the symbols used in the map. The key usually shows a small picture of each of the symbols used on the map, along with a written description of the meaning of each symbol.

Orienteering Compass

A compass is an invaluable tool that every backpacker should know how to use. It is a magnetized needle floating in a liquid and responding to the Earth‟s magnetic field consequently revealing directions. Generally, a compass is used to measure bearings and to pinpoint locations.

Orienteering Compass Parts

  • Magnetic needle – the magnetic needles north end is painted red and its south end is white.
  • Revolving compass housing – the housing is marked with the four cardinal points of north, east, south and west and further divided into 2 degree graduations indicating the full 360 degrees of a circle. The bottom of the rotating housing is marked with an orienting arrow and meridian lines
  • Transparent base plate – the base plate is marked with a ruler , an index line as well as the direction of travel arrow.


Bearing refers to the direction from one spot to another measured in degrees from the reference line of north.

How do you take the bearing?

  • Hold the compass in front of you with the direction of travel arrow pointing at object of interest
  • Hold the compass level steady and rotate the housing dial until the orienting arrow lines up with the red end ( north end) of the magnetic needle, while keeping the direction of travel arrow pointed at the object.
  • Read the number indicated at the index line – that is your bearing


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