Arts Grade 9 – Quarter 3

Curriculum Guide:

Arts of the Neoclassic and Romantic Period


  • David
  • Ingres
  • Goya


  • Goya
  • Delacroix
  • Gericault

Neoclassical Painting

Neoclassical artists embraced the ideals of order and moderation in which artistic interpretations of classic Greek and Roman history were restored to realistic portrayals.

Neoclassic Artists

Jaques Louis David (1748 – 1825)

Jacques Louis David was an influential French painter in the Neoclassical style, and considered to be the pre-eminent painter of the era. His subjects of paintings were more on history.

Famous Artworks:

  • The Death of Marat
  • Napoleon Crossing the Alps
  • Oath of the Horatii

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (1780 – 1867)

Ingres was a pupil of Jacques-Louis David. He was influenced by Italian Renaissance painters like Raphael, Nicolas Pousin, Botticelli, and his mentor, Jacques-Louis David.

Famous Artworks:

  • Portrait of Napoleon on the Imperial Throne
  • The Apotheosis of Homer

Neoclassical Sculptors

Antonio Canova (1757 – 1822)

Canova was a prolific Italian artist and sculptor who became famous for his marble sculptures that delicately rendered nude flesh.

Famous Artworks:

  • Psyche Awakened by Cupid’s Kiss
  • Washington

Bertel Thorvaldsen (1789 – 1838)

Thorvaldsen was the first internationally acclaimed Danish artist. He executed sculptures of mythological and religious themes characters.

Famous Artworks:

  • Christ
  • Lion of Lucerne

Neoclassical Architecture

Neoclassical architecture was a style principally derived from the architecture of Classical Greece and Rome and the architectural designs of the Italian architect Andrea Palladio.

Types of Neoclassical Architecture:

Temple Style

Temple style building design was based on an ancient temple. These buildings were uncommon during the Renaissance as architects of that period focused mainly on applying classical elements to churches and modern buildings like palazzos and villas.

Most famous Temple Style buildings of the Neoclassical age:

  • Pantheon, Paris
  • British Museum, London
  • La Madeleine De Paris

Palladian Style

Palladian buildings were based on Andrea Palladio’s style of villa construction.

One of the famous architects in the era was:

Robert Adam (1728 – 1792)

  • White House
  • United States Capitol

Classical Block Style

The building features a rectangular or square plan, with a flat roof and an exterior rich in classical detail. The exterior features a repeated classical pattern or series of arches and/or columns.

Famous Architects of this architectural style were:

  • Henri Labrouste – His masterpiece is the Library of Sainte – Geneviève.
  • Charles Garnier – He designed the most famous classical block of all which is the Palais Garnier (a Neobaroque opera house).


Romanticism was a movement in which the artists of Neoclassical period sought to break new ground in the expression of emotion, both subtle and stormy.

Romantic Painting

Painters of the Romantic Period

Jean Louise Theodore Gericault (1791-1824)

Famous Artworks:

  • The Raft of Medusa
  • Charging Chasseur
  • Insane Woman

Eugene Delacroix (1798-1863)

Famous Artwork:

  • Liberty Leading the People

Francisco Goya (1746-1828)

Famous Artworks:

  • The Third of May
  • Saturn Devouring his Son
  • The Burial of Sardine

Romantic Painting (Landscape Painting)

Landscape painting depicts the physical world that surrounds us and includes features such as mountains, valleys, vegetation, and bodies of water.

Famous landscape artists during the Romantic Period:

  • Theodore Rousseau
  • Jean Baptiste Camille Corot

Romantic Sculpture

Romantic sculpture can be divided into works that concern about the human world and those that concern the natural world.

Francois Rude (1784-1855)

Famous Artworks:

  • Departure of the Volunteers
  • Jeanne D’Arc

Antoine Louis Barye (1796-1875)

He was the most famous animal sculptor of all time. He studied the anatomy of his subjects by sketching residents of the Paris zoo.

Famous works:

  • Hercules Sitting on a Bull
  • Theseus Slaying the Minotaur

Gothic Revival Architecture (Neogothic)

Architects who used Neogothic Style:

  • Charles Barry
  • James Renwick


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